The Chicken Tender

Illnesses and Treatments
Chicken Diet
Chicken Psychology 101
Rooster Management
Shed Coops

Chickens are highly-intelligent animals worthy of respect. Unfortunately, chickens are also livestock. Up until recently, the recommended treatment for poultry diseases was culling (and if you're a farmer and you agree with that, well, I have no argument. This IS The Chicken Tender, after all.)

But things ARE changing. Chickens are starting to get the respect they deserve and are now common pets and family members. Still, you're super lucky if you can find an avian vet in your area, as birds are considered exotics and require specialized, additional schooling. Good thing there's plenty of chicken information and resources online. I discovered much of the information below by searching the forum,, and by trial-and-error.

This section is under construction 5/21/21

Egg Yolk Peritonitis and Internal Laying


• Worming